Vision 2035 for China-Africa Cooperation

  • 2023-03-10
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As the world's largest developing country and the continent with the highest concentration of developing nations, China and Africa pledge to uphold the banners of peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit. They are steadfast in deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership and achieving high-quality development in pragmatic cooperation. Taking into account their respective development histories, backgrounds, and characteristics, aligned with China's Vision 2035, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the African Union's Agenda 2063, and the development strategies of various African countries, China and Africa collaboratively formulated the Vision 2035 for China-Africa Cooperation, which establishes the medium- to long-term direction and goals, fostering a closer community of shared destiny between China and Africa. The content includes:

Ⅰ. Jointly embark on a new journey of comprehensive cooperation for common China - Africa development

--China has become a significant partner in Africa's development agenda. China supports the implementation of the African Union's Agenda 2063 and its flagship projects. It actively participates in the implementation of various pan-African initiatives such as the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), Africa Mining Vision (AMV), Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA), Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT), Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA), and the African Union Development Agency – New Partnership Plan for African Development (AUDA-NEPAD);

--China and Africa forge closer partnership in building the "Belt and Road." Adhering to the principles of consultation, joint construction, and shared benefits, as well as the green, open, and clean concepts, China and Africa precisely align the BRI with the development agenda of Africa. They fully leverage the leadership role of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, consolidate traditional cooperation, explore new fields, accelerate the transformation and upgrade of cooperation, and enhance the quality and efficiency of outcomes, benefiting people in both China and Africa widely;

--Top-level design and mechanism measures of China-Africa Cooperation become more enriched and improved. China and Africa intensify multilevel and multilateral exchanges, deepening traditional friendship and enhancing political mutual trust. In various fields such as trade and investment, industrial development, digital economy, green and low-carbon initiatives, public health, cultural exchange, peace and security, and international affairs, policy coordination and collaboration are continuously strengthened.

II. Jointly enter into a new stage of pragmatic cooperation to achieve mutual benefit between China and Africa

--Balanced growth in bilateral trade: By 2035, the annual trade volume between China and Africa will reach USD300 billion. China supports Africa in enhancing export capabilities, strengthens cooperation with African countries in agricultural products, food inspection and quarantine, expedites quarantine access procedures, and expands the import of non-resource products from Africa;

--Continued expansion of bilateral investments: By 2035, China will make additional investments of USD60 billion in Africa, focusing on supporting African agriculture, manufacturing, infrastructure, environmental protection, digital economy, and the blue economy. Support will be provided for capable Chinese enterprises in African economic and trade cooperation zones to upgrade to demonstration zones for China-Africa industrial and supply chain cooperation, and for Africa to facilitate the ongoing improvement of business environment. China will Elevate Localization Capabilities of Enterprises in Africa. Both China and Africa will collaboratively implement measures to provide convenience and support for African enterprises, whether African wholly-owned or joint ventures, to conduct business operations in China;

--Deepening integrated cooperation: China actively participates in the construction of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Cooperation in the infrastructure sector between China and Africa is upgraded, supporting the development of African railways, highways, shipping, ports, aviation, and communication networks through various cooperation models. Diverse trade and investment facilitation arrangements are established, pushing China-Africa trade and investment facilitation cooperation to higher levels;

--More sustainable financial cooperation: Within its capacity, China will continue to provide aid to Africa, significantly improving the comprehensive effects of aid. Utilizing various resources for financial cooperation with Africa, support will be extended to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa. Collaboration with multilateral financial institutions such as the African Development Bank, the African Export-Import Bank, the Central African Development Bank, the East and Southeast African Trade and Development Bank, and the West African Development Bank will be strengthened. China is becoming an important sustainable development financing partner for Africa, with enhanced financial cooperation between China and Africa, deepening cooperation in local currency and mutual establishment of additional financial branches in each other's countries.

Ⅲ. Collaboratively building a new pattern of transformational growth to achieve mutual promotion of industries between China and Africa

--Extension of agricultural cooperation along the entire industry chain. China supports Africa in developing modern agriculture to form a complete system encompassing breeding, cultivation, processing, warehousing, and logistics as well as create specialized industries like livestock farming and economic crops to enhance food security capabilities and improve the safety and added value of agricultural products;

--Deepening and expanding capacity cooperation. China collaborates with Africa to improve the manufacturing system, cultivate "Made in Africa" brands, and integrate into the international industrial chain and supply chain. China supports Africa in building a sound technical standard system, enhancing quality infrastructure capabilities, and will share its experience with Africa, aiming to assist it in upgrading the manufacturing industry, improving industrial competitiveness, unleashing the vitality of the private economy, and creating more employment opportunities;

--New impetus provided by technology and innovation cooperation. China and Africa deepen innovation cooperation in various technological fields, jointly promoting high-level collaborative research, technology transfer, transformation, and innovation and entrepreneurship cooperation. The goal is to help enhance Africa's technological innovation capabilities and sustainable economic and social development;

--Blue economy cooperation as a new growth point. China and Africa engage in extensive cooperation in the value addition and sustainable utilization of marine resources. Support is extended to Africa for the rational development and utilization of marine resources while ensuring ecological protection. Initiatives such as developing coastal economies, establishing maritime economic zones or blue economic parks to guide the aggregation of marine industries and create regional development hubs are promoted;

--Digitized collaboration driving Africa's accelerated transformation. China and Africa are expanding collaboration across various domains, including spectrum management, 5G, satellite internet, big data, e-commerce, smart cities, aeronautics and aerospace, satellite remote sensing applications, to support Africa in constructing new infrastructure, developing the digital industry, and bridging the digital divide.

Ⅳ. Jointly create a new model for green development to achieve ecological co-construction between China and Africa

--Comprehensive advancement of climate change cooperation. China and Africa closely collaborate to jointly address climate change. Specific measures include intensifying cooperation in fields like meteorological monitoring, disaster prevention and reduction, water resource utilization, desertification, land degradation, and drought control, supporting Africa in ecological environment protection and biodiversity, and constructing an "African Green Great Wall" to enhance climate adaptation capabilities;

--Clean and low-carbon transformation in energy cooperation. China supports Africa in increasing the proportion of clean energy utilization, including hydropower and nuclear energy. Active development of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, tidal, and wave energy is encouraged based on the development levels and energy demands of respective countries. Distributed power supply technologies are utilized to provide stable and affordable electricity to remote areas in Africa and support the development of the photovoltaic industry;

--Green cooperation facilitating enhancement of development quality. China supports Africa in developing a green economy, circular economy, and green finance, promoting sustainable natural resource management, improving resource utilization efficiency, enhancing the utilization of renewable resources, and strengthening capabilities for green, low-carbon, and circular development as well as establishing a green, low-carbon, and circular economic system.

Ⅴ. Jointly improve the well-being of the people to achieve shared happiness between China and Africa

--Consolidated and deepening health cooperation. China supports Africa's health policies, aids in improving infectious disease prevention and control systems. The goal is to elevate medical research standards, actively develop traditional medicine, and improve accessibility and affordability of pharmaceuticals. It also supports Africa in reducing infection rates of diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria;

--Significant achievements in poverty reduction cooperation. China and Africa continue various forms of employment creation and exchange experiences in poverty reduction. China supports Africa in enhancing its capabilities for poverty reduction, improving education, water supply, electricity, and other basic facilities, raising the level of urbanization, and achieving inclusive growth. Solid progress is made in humanitarian exchanges, constructing a humanitarian bridge between China and Africa;

--New heights in human resources cooperation. China supports the development of education in Africa, aiming to raise the educational levels of all Africans, especially women, children, and youth. Efforts are directed towards nurturing young leaders in various fields and high-quality technical and skilled professionals. China has become a significant destination for African students pursuing education abroad.

Ⅵ. Jointly create a new chapter in cultural exchange to achieve common cultural prosperity between China and Africa

--Increased vibrancy in cultural and sports exchanges. China and Africa jointly establish mechanisms for equal mutual learning and prosperous coexistence of Chinese and African civilizations. China supports the exchange of artistic groups, collaboration in film and television culture, and the training of language talents. Efforts are combined to advance international Sinology and African studies, with an aim to expand the global recognition and influence of Chinese and African cultures, and promote the diversified development of world cultures. Practical cooperation in the field of sports is strengthened, supporting the hosting of the 2026 Dakar Youth Olympic Games to facilitate the development of sports in Africa;

--Deeper engagement in news exchange. China and Africa strengthen cooperation in news reporting, content creation for audio-visual programs, training of media personnel, and media technology. The goal is to assist African media to enhance information production and dissemination capabilities, thus contributing to the construction of a "Smart Africa" and the integrated development of media. Enhanced cooperation in publishing exchange is promoted, narrating compelling stories of China-Africa cooperation;

--More prosperous tourism cooperation. China-Africa cooperation stimulates the development of the tourism industry. China assists Africa in enhancing its tourism infrastructure capabilities, developing green tourism and related services, and supporting African countries to become important destinations for Chinese citizens' group outbound tourism for the revival of tourism in Africa.

Ⅶ. Jointly explore new paths in peace and security to achieve shared security between China and Africa

--Build a more peaceful Africa. China and Africa adhere to a security perspective that is common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable. They pursue peace through cooperation and resolve differences through consultation. They persist in resolving African issues through African approaches, the ultimate goal is to advance the timely realization of a "peaceful Africa without gunfire;"

--Build a safer Africa. Cooperation in the peace and security field has become a new highlight in the development of China-Africa relations. Collaboration in joint military exercises and training, peacekeeping and stability maintenance, counter-terrorism, anti-drug activities, and combating piracy intensifies. New directions are explored in cooperation on cybersecurity and the control of light and small weapons;

--Build a more stable Africa: China and Africa deepen the exchange of experiences in governance for alignment of development ideologies and concepts. China supports African countries in autonomously exploring development paths suitable for their own national conditions, enhancing government governance capabilities, and constructing a society of common prosperity, openness, and inclusiveness, ultimately achieving long-term stability.

VIII. Jointly establish a new model for international interactions to achieve open win-win cooperation between China and Africa

--Continual progress in global governance cooperation. China and Africa has become crucial forces in perfecting global governance and upholding international fairness and justice. Communication and coordination are enhanced at occasions such as the United Nations Security Council, collectively urging the international community to increase its attention to Africa and supporting Africa in playing a more active role in global governance and contributing more to international affairs;

--Championing multilateral systems and south-south cooperation have become an international exemplar. China and Africa support economic globalization and a fair, open, and inclusive multilateral trade system. Strong opposition is expressed against unilateralism and protectionism to safeguard the common interests of developing countries. China-Africa cooperation has become a model for South-South cooperation, making a significant contribution to building a community with a shared future for humanity;

--Extensive tripartite cooperation. Adhering to the principle of fully respecting the will of African countries, China collaborates with various countries and international organizations worldwide to conduct extensive tripartite cooperation for a more effective joint force to support Africa's development through the "Support Africa's Development Partners Initiative."
